Friday, September 21, 2007

Meet the Teacher Night

Z and I headed down to the lads' school last night to meet their teachers. It was the usual routine, although very well organized as all the events at this school have been. We picked up the boys' timetables in the front hall, were offered bottles of water and a map of the school, and there were students in uniform throughout the school directing parents to classrooms. We rotated through the student schedule in 12 minute "periods" which gave the teachers time to introduce themselves, talk a little about the curriculum, and cover some high points regarding expectations of students.

Z took Mike's schedule and I took Alex's. All the teachers I met were clearly competent, enthusiastic about teaching at the school, enjoy the boys, and like the subjects they teach. Z felt the same way about Mike's teachers, although he has fewer as he's in Grade 7 so he has the same teacher for five of his eight subjects (Math, Geography, English, Religion, and PE.)

The year is going pretty well so far, particularly for Michael. Because he joined the school at an entry year, all the boys are new and the teachers have been working with them to instill good habits and a community feeling. He has been getting up early on his own, which is totally out of character, getting dressed and making his lunch, so that he can get to school early and organize himself. He's joined the Lego Robotics club, and has been staying after school to do his homework in the library with some friends.

It's been a little slower start for Alex, as there are very few new students above Grade 9, and so no real easing into the school community. But he enjoys his teachers, is running cross country, and is making some friends.

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