Saturday, October 6, 2007

Intro to Eckhart

Last night I began reading Meister Eckhart: Selections from His Essential Writings
. I began with the foreward, by John O'Donohue, a beautiful piece of writing and excellent foretaste of what I hope to experience as I read Eckhart's writing.

A couple of snippets.

Thoughts are the crevices where the vast silence of Being is voiced. In an archaic sense, to think is to participate in the mind of God.
Eckhart says the soul has two faces: one that is permanently turned toward God, and another that always faces the world. The creative and critical negotiation of the tension between these two faces is the secret force that animates all his thinking.
The divine is not a distant goal toward which one must perennially labor like some haunted Sisyphus. There is nothing nearer to us than the divine; we need only slip into rhythm with it.
"We need only slip into rhythm with it." That is what I need to do.

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