Monday, September 14, 2009

For Today, September 14, 2009...
Outside My Window... it's cool and grey. But we're heading for sun and 24C so I'm hopeful. Finally, layering weather has arrived, my favourite time of year!
I am thinking...about my husband, travelling for business in China. He has had the opportunity for some tourism this time, so I'm looking forward to seeing his photos and hearing his stories.
I am thankful for...the opportunity to spend time with my brother while he is in transition from Berkeley to Toronto.
From the kitchen...we've just about finished up the leftover baking I did for the retreat on Saturday morning. There's a basket of peaches in the fridge calling out for a peach crisp.
I am wearing... a tshirt and yoga pants.
I am creating...a to-do list. Nothing on the needles or the sewing machine these days.
I am an ordination tomorrow evening, the first I've ever been to.
I am reading... Old City Hall by Robert Rotenberg. I just put down Roth's American Pastoral half-way through. I was forcing myself to plod through it and finally decided that I'd had enough.
I am hoping... that Alex's first day of university classes will go well.
I am hearing... nothing. And it's great.
Around the house...I need to get my cleaning schedule rebooted and pick out a chandelier for the dining room.
One of my favorite sleeping with the windows open, and the cold fall air in the room, snuggled under my quilt.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Tonight, I'm taking Michael to his tuba lesson and will meet his teacher. Tomorrow, we try out a new groomer in the area, Wednesday I'm at TIFF seeeing The Time That Remains, Thursday is Parent's Night at Michael's school.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
I'm thinking Wilson needs a bigger bed.


Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

What a nice daybook, and I love the picture!

Here's mine if you'd like to visit


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your daybook very much.
Mama Bear

Jodi said...

Liked reading your post, and especially because I am a Toronto girl but living far from home now... have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture! :)