The major task assignment this week is to create a Destination Station near the entrance....a place where everyone can drop their phones, wallets, ipods, whatever. Rather than on the kitchen counter. Or the dining room table. Or the coffee table. I think women have it easier with least all my stuff is kept together in one spot, even if the purse sometimes gets in the way. But I live with two men and they're always shedding their stuff all over the place.
Anyway, this task is to create a space to leave small stuff, and I happen to have a five drawer chest by the front door. When our children were younger, we used it for all the little socks, mittens, hats, scarves, lunchbags etc when lived in a house with no closet at the front door. Now, one child has left home so we will assign one drawer for each of the three remaining residents, and then one drawer to store supplies for the powder room around the corner, and one drawer for library books that used to be stacked on a chest in the living room.
But first, we have to empty the junk out of the drawers. Here are some before pics:
It's all stuff that doesn't belong here!
Christmas cards, old frames, stuff that is waiting to be mended, two tubes of caulk and a caulking gun, ping pong rackets, duct tape, soap carving tools, aprons, ski-keys, etc . So the stuff was sorted, distributed to it's rightful place in the house or tossed.
And then the magic happened!
The bottom drawer got library books, and the second from bottom the powder room supplies (see right).
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