Normally, 7 Quick Takes Friday is hosted by Jennifer at Conversion Diary, but she's living computer-free for a week. So I'll send a shout out to the Company Girls over at Home Sanctuary!

I have become mildly addicted to Zuma Deluxe from PopCap games. I purchased a downloadable version and play it when I'm bored. I was really grooving to the Dell Freetime Frenzy 3 game that they had up during a recent promotion, but that disappeared so I had to find something else. Pathetic meter is high here.
Had dinner with old friends who were passing through town last night. We ate at Papillon on Front which was fine: great atmosphere, food was okay. Lots of great conversation. We walked them to Union Station (just down the street from the resto) and then hopped on the subway home.
Alex arrives home tonight from his first month away at university. It's Canadian Thanksgiving, so we have a holiday Monday. We'll have a leg of lamb for dinner on Sunday, but expect him to be out on the town much of the weekend. We give thanks for so many things, but this weekend in particular, for our wonderful sons.
OrgJunkie has an organizing project for her readers this month: tackling a drawer. We are drawer-challenged in our kitchen. We only have three. One is for cutlery, one for kitchen tools, and one for wraps and bags. So I'll be tackling drawer number two. I picked up an insert for the bottom of the drawer at Home Depot yesterday, and will tackle it next week.
Michael has a half day at school today to accommodate Convocation this afternoon. He has an orthodontist appointment just after noon, and then we'll go shopping. He dresses with his own sense of style and is very particular about how he combines the components of his look. He's been pestering me to get him some jeans. When I asked him where he wanted to shop, he said Value Village. This from a boy who wears mainly hand-me-downs. I also offered to buy him new running shoes today as he has started running (and his one pair of runners are at school for PE). He told me that he was fine wearing his brother's old shoes. He is one unusual 14 year old.
My course on the Church is going very well. The prof has to field some wacky questions from people who have an axe to grind with the institution and he does it with thoughtfulness and kindness. These questions are usually unrelated to the subject matter in the lecture, but he deals with them as best he can. I just purchased one of the books he recommended for the course (Models of the Church
by Avery Cardinal Dulles) and it looks great.
I am back to baking these days, now that the weather has cooled off. Quick bread and muffins are the order of the day, and provide some variety for breakfast and reasonably healthy snacks for Michael who seems to never stop eating. I have quite the cache of brown bananas in the freezer, so I've been making some different types of banana bread. I particularly like Company's Coming Muffins and More
by Jean Pare.
Sounds like a full weekend! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Thanks for sharing some of your domestic bliss with me. It's in short supply today around here today! The course you are taking sounds fascinating. I'm always interested to find out what issues people have with the church. Some complaints seem legitimate; other times it seems to be an excuse for individuals do whatever they want, without regard to divine or institutional authority.
I want to start baking more too.
I love baking... am always looking for good recipes! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Aren't those games addicting? I have to hide all the game feeds on Facebook because I get too many updates from people. Great job on the drawer round up. I'll eventually get to it. I linked up this past month like 2 minutes before it ended. We started our baking yesterday - blueberry muffins and banana muffins! Yum! Great way to warm up the house during cold weather...although it is pretty warm today.
Wow! Thanks for sharing with us! What a great post! I'm getting into the baking mood lately too. I'd like to stock up my freezer meals again. I used to "double it" once a week so that I could put it in my freezer for another time. I need to get back to that again.
Speaking of baking, I need to get started on dinner.
Have a great weekend!
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