Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Silly Haiku Wednesdays - Hallowe'en

Join the fun!

Another silly one for Hallowe'en, that unfortunately reflects my reality!

footsteps and doorbells
drive my poor pup into fits
we hide together

Click on the image above to read others' takes on this theme.


Unknown said...

that is a very clever haiku! I like!

LarryG said...

shhh... i heard a puppy snuffle...
do you like "snickers" :)

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Heehee! Good one. I put our dog in a bedroom at Hallowe'en - the costumes put her on the defensive. And she loves kids (and candy) waaaay too much.

Hope the weather shapes up for Saturday - this rain is icky!!

quilly said...

Oh, very good! Personal and on topic.

Amanda Moore said...

very cute Haiku Halloween is not always about dressing up I don't know how my dog will handle all the "sounds"this year she is new to us it might put it into a Haiku for next year!

No Longer 25 said...

I like that, I was so tired this Halloween, just got back from the US on Saturday so I was keeping a low profile too, I let my boyfriend handle any guisers.