Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another one for the to-be-read pile.

I just added English Catholic Heroines by Joanna Bogle to my wishlist.  It was recently reviewed in The Catholic Herald (thanks to Alicia over at Fructus Ventris for the link).

From the review:
...It is particularly welcome in the present climate when women in general seem to have forgotten the “feminine genius” so beautifully articulated by John Paul II, and when some women are in confusion and anger over the Catholic Church’s response to the question of women’s ordination....
...As Joanna Bogle indicates in her introduction to this wonderfully heterogeneous group of women, they all found fulfilment as women in the Church without seeking a distinct hierarchical role...
The choices of women to include are wide-ranging, both in time period and charism.  As the professor in my theology class mentions often, those who we remember as saints are not necessarily those who were powerful in the normal or worldly sense of the term, but those who sought to live out their vocation with all of their gifts.  These are the people who were able to make lasting change in the world.

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