And for the Turkish soap-operas. There are two that she likes in particular, Alia and Assi. They are shown on MBC which I'm guessing stands for Middle Eastern Broadcasting Company, or something like that and they are either dubbed into Arabic, or filmed in Arabic. I think she gets them at her apartment in Stockholm on satellite television. We don't get MBC here, so we found the programs online at the MBC website, but they weren't up to date. My nephew in Paris was able to direct me to a website that has more recent episodes, so she watches them on my laptop after her work is done in the kitchen. Z and I were sitting in the living room last night watching something on TV and he kept smiling as the romantic music would get louder from the kitchen, with Arabic exclamations of love, or whatever.
She's been keeping me pretty busy as sous-chef and driver, and I love listening to her stories. So I haven't had too much time to read these days, but yesterday I managed to finish Giller-Prize-winning novel The Bishop's Man
I'm on to Audry Niffenegger's most recent (after The Time Traveler's Wife
I thought about reading this book but I'm not sure I want to read another story shredding the CC, even if in some regards its members deserve shredding. I'm lame but I want to be uplifted right now and I'm not sure this does it. Does it? I trust your opinion.
I wouldn't call it uplifting. Maybe wait until after Advent/Christmas. But I think it is an important and likely realistic portrait of the fallout of these incidents, and the humanity of all involved.
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