no-poo" method of hair management. This involves ditching shampoo and using a baking soda paste to "wash" and some apple cider (or other) vinegar as a rinse/conditioner. I have to say, it's working remarkably well! I don't have before and after pics, but my hair is much smoother and less frizzy than normal. I can also go an extra day (or two) between washes, which is a good thing with my coarse mop. The second time I did it, I forgot to get some vinegar so I just skipped that step and it was still fine! I'm using my regular styling products plus a new tool....
For the past week, I have been trying the so-called "--2--
While we're on the subject of hair, I am considering letting my grey grow out. I estimate that I'm over 50% grey, at least at the front. After perusing Going Gray Looking Great and requesting the book at the library, I'm going to talk to my stylist and see if she can do some magic with a combination of low-lights and highlights to let my grey come in without looking like a skunk.
Okay, enough about my hair. (And I said that I didn't really care about it....) The Declutter Club started on Monday with an online chat for an hour, which was great. There were over a dozen of us online, plus some who couldn't make it. I've been working hard on getting my living room bookshelves into shape, purging books, listing some to sell, giving some away, and generally sorting through all kinds of papers and junk that I had stuffed in various places. Next week, I will start working on a large former TV cabinet that I'm now using for linen and candle storage. I want to get this unit out of my house, so I've got to find a home for all the stuff inside it.
National Post and The Star reported that Target is considering coming to Canada in the next 3-5 years. Target, along with Trader Joes, were the big losses when we left the US 2-1/2 years ago. Oh, and real barbeque. Heavenly days!
The print editions of the --6--
Alex is coming home from Queen's for the weekend. Apparently, a lot of people are going skiing this weekend and he'll find it hard to study. Yes, you read that right. We'll see how much studying gets done at home. And I need to remind him to turn off his file-sharing software on his computer....luckily for us Bell caps internet overusage at $30 per month. We could have been hit by an extra $300 last month for whatever it is that he does.
I requested and received reservations for two papal masses when we're in Rome over Easter. We'll be able to attend the Holy Thursday mass at St. John Lateran (cool VR tour) and the Easter Sunday Mass in St. Peter's. Those letters are my favorite faxes of all time! Now I need to book a tour of the Vatican Museum.
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