Monday, January 4, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook - January 4, 2010


January 4, 2010...

Outside my's bright and snowy. Very Christmassy (finally, LOL!)
I am thinking...about the new year, my plans and resolutions, and wondering what the year has in store for me.
I am thankful for...spending this month with my mother-in-law, listening to her stories and learning to cook some excellent Syrian and Armenian dishes!
I am learning... how much a little extra sleep at night helps with my energy.  My resolution about going to bed by 10 is spot-on.  Thanks to Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project
for the idea.
From the MIL and I have made more kittal this morning, plus kibbe bi riz.   Kittal is a large circular disk of ground beef mixed into a dough with bulgur, stuffed with a mixture of ground beef, onions, and spices. Boiled and eaten with plain yogurt or sour cream.   Kibbe bi riz is ball of ground beef mixed with ground rice, stuffed with ground beef, onions, and spices.  It's typically boiled and eaten in soup like dumplings.  Yumsters.  It's bagged and frozen for future use.  I've promised to pray for my MIL every time we eat some of it!
I am wearing...jeans, old long-sleeved t-shirt, socks.
I am creating...a new template for this blog.  Slow going though, as I'm learning still.
I am see my doctor tomorrow about my high blood pressure.
I am reading...The Sweet By and By
by Sarah Evans and I See Satan Fall Like Lightning
by Rene Girard.
I am hoping...that Alex's laptop gets fixed today.  I mentioned previously that he cracked the screen and that Dell wanted to charge $499 to replace it.  We found a local shop that will do it for around $200, while you wait, so that's great.  He's off to get it done and then heading to a doctor's appointment.
I am MIL taking a shower after five hours of cooking. And the sound of Wilson's nails as he runs around the house.  Note to self:  book a grooming appointment!
Around the house...the Christmas decorations need to come down this week.  I like to leave them up through to Epiphany which is on Wednesday. My garbage day is Thursday and they'll be picking up trees with the collection this week to mulch, so the timing is good!
One of my favorite things...eating the above described kittal with yogurt for breakfast!
A few plans for the rest of the week: doctor's appointment tomorrow, plus last dinner with my MILbefore she returns to Europe on Wednesday, chauffeuring Michael to orthodontist and tuba lesson on Wednesday, appointment with financial planner on Friday, plus free tix to a preview of the latest Jackie Chan flick The Spy Next Door Saturday morning! I won them through a Facebook promotion for a new oldies radio station, Vinyl 95.3.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Today is the feast day of Elizabeth Ann Seton, the patron saint I took at confirmation.  She was a convert to Catholicism and the first native-born American saint.  She founded the Sisters of Charity and her work is said to the beginning of the Catholic School movement in the United States.

Head on over to The Simple Woman's Daybook to read other participants thoughts!

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