Saturday, July 2, 2011

When Fenelon Falls by Dorothy Palmer - A review.

When Fenelon FallsWhen Fenelon Falls by Dorothy Palmer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Remarkable, funny, heart-breaking and completely original. A must read for children of the Ontario 60s, adoptees, and those with a passion for children. It takes a few pages to get into the rhythm of Palmer's voice, her brilliant use of language, but it is well worth persevering. This is a novel that I will not soon forget.

View all my reviews


Owen said...

children of the Ontario 60s - that's be me and I see Hurricane Hazel features in it as it did in my own pre-existence years. Mom and Dad were married the year Hazel arrived. Wish I had that e-reader I go look this up. Maybe I'll get the preview and read that on my smartipantsphone

Janet Berkman said...

There's always the public library! That's where I got my copy.

Owen said...

Absolutely. We have given our PL a solid run for the m- , well, for free. Ours is even connected to a large e-book lending source and I've enjoyed downloading loans to read on my pc or my smartipantsphone.I was chatting with Mom after leaving the last comment noting that there is a dot ca site dedicated to Hurricane Hazel. Without skipping a beat she said, October 15th, 1954. She was spot on. That was the day there were to move into their new home.

Didi said...

Mom and Dad were married the year Hazel arrived. Wish I had that e-reader I go look this up. Maybe I'll get the preview and read that on my smartipantsphone