Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Silly Haiku Wednesdays - Season(s)

Join the fun!

Today's Theme is Season(s)

First fire of the fall
Smoke escapes and fills the room
Forgot the damper


LarryG said...

gazing across the smokefilled room I notice your Haiku is lovely this morning!

No Longer 25 said...

I really miss having a 'proper' fire in the house, we used to have one when I was really young then I had one in a house a few years ago - could do with one this evening, we''ll have to make do with the central heating for now.

Anonymous said...

I love the scent of wood burning smoke (I know it's odd) so I can imagine that wonderful smell while reading your Haiku

Anonymous said...

I love this. Very clever my friend :)

TMC said...

Oh dear!

I hope it'll become something to laugh about once you get the smell out of the upholstery. :)

Becca said...

LOL fireplaces are so nice....pretty haiku :)

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Heehee *cough, hack* heehee

Great haiku - thanks for participating! I'm just catching up - I was out of town :)