I'm continuing to use my daily planner form that I mentioned in my last post, and have added a weekly one to try to identify the key projects I need to focus on. (I'm going to tweak this one to add a couple of things, but you get the idea.)
This week, I need to get some gifts for events this month, two of which happen this weekend. I'll be heading out to check out a couple of Catholic gift stores to search for a baptism gift for my beautiful niece, and I need to figure out a gift for my pre-teen nephew. Mother's Day is also fast approaching as well as a couple of other birthdays.
Continuing in the garden this week, I want to start working on the flower beds. I am intent on actually improving the soil and mulching like crazy this year to try to reduce our weed issue. A trip to Canadian Tire will get me all that, plus allow me to exchange the wrong sized furnace filter I bought last week, and pick up a dryer vent kit for our new washer and dryer that will be installed next week! I've managed to accumulate a lot of money on my CT card, so it's (kinda) like getting this stuff free. Last year, I got 2 out of 3 new tires for my Accord in a similar manner.
Tonight is the monthly Toronto Family History Society meeting. The big Ontario Genealogical Society Conference is in two weeks and I've volunteered to help out in the research room where attendees can access computers with ancestry.com software etc. I'm looking forward to meeting the volunteer coordinator in person this evening.
Tomorrow, I head down to Kingston to pick up Alex and his stuff. His last exam is this morning (Physics) and then he'll be packing up his dorm room. I"m hoping he can move a lot of his stuff to his new house for the summer, and not bring it all back to Toronto as space is limited here.
Wednesday, I hope to get my new curtains hung. This was supposed to happen on the weekend, but didn't. Perhaps Alex can help me since he'll be home and (not yet) employed. I'll also start some work in the garden, weather permitting (and right now, it looks like it'll be cool and bright!)